* Abuse of power *

Does Pakistan need outside enemies? when it has enough backstabbers inside. This account comes from a friend who asked me to verify its authenticity. It was forwarded to a well-informed friend from Mingora in Swat , who confirmed the incident, convincing me that all politicians are alike but wear different masks to deceive their electorate. In this particular instance, the PTI cabinet of KP alone is responsible for promoting blatant abuse of power within its ranks. Most of them having mastered the art of pointing fingers to others for wrongdoing, while having no internal accountability mechanism to sort out their own shortcomings ; abuse of powers being worst of all that make them no different than others. .

This is a picture of a religious teacher and a Pakistani green activist who planted 10,000 trees to turn Pakistan green. He was manhandled, his shirt torn, and locked up in the police station, allegedly by goons under the patronage of a local PTI MPA.

According to the information shared in Urdu with the picture, the person is identified as Maulvi Abdul Wahab who hails from Mingora . He imparts religious knowledge to his students and motivates them to play a constructive role in the society as productive citizens . His selfless devotion, supported by his students, led to the plantation of 10,000 trees on the Mingora bypass adjacent to the Swat River during the last spring. Both the teacher and students from underprivileged backgrounds were diligent in ensuring the plants were watered regularly until the local contractor cut them down in a single day.

When the planter of the trees protested the unjustified cutting of his trees, putting to waste their hard work in selfless service to their country. In retaliation he was not only beaten but also sent behind bars, reportedly under the political influence of the local PTI MPA and Forest Minister . This sad incident reflects the PTI Forest Minister’s priorities to protect every hand that cuts the tree and chop off the ones that plant it.

It is never the arrogance and high-handedness of our politicians that endears them to ordinary citizens through whose vote they enjoy the royal protocols of a pilot vehicle leading them and police guards following them, as if the clock will stop to click if they are killed.

I demand from CM KP an impartial inquiry into this injustice perpetrated against an innocent citizen of Pakistan and to make good his loss of efforts by directing the concerned Minister replant the trees with a government signboard to honour the planter’s contribution to the community besides , recommend immediate cancellation of the contract of the concerned contractor for misconduct , who proved a security risk to public property, trees being the most precious amongst all . Long Live Pakistan in the hands of backstabbers.🇵🇰

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