Asim Rauf, others top officials sell promotions in DRAP: YDA

YDA claims Asim Rauf major beneficiary of corruption in DRAP . Independent source confirm YDA claims.

LAHORE : August 4 , 2024. Young Doctors Association (YDA) has accused Chief Executive Officer (CEO) , Asim Rauf , and other senior officials of selling promotions from Grade 18 to 19 in Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP). YDA has narrated Asim Rauf’s tale of corruption in a letter addressed to prime minister, Shahbaz Sharif. YDA in its letter addressed to the prime minister said “Respected SirMr. Asim Rauf Chief Executive Officer of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan and Mr. Obaidullah acting Director Admin DRAP took heavy bribe to promote some 13 officers from BS-18/RO-13 to BS-19/RO-14 and others without qualifying Management Course, which was held mandatory in Appeal No.1646(R)CS/2018 with M.P. titled Dr.
Noor Muhammad Shah –vs- M/O N.H.S.R & C etc., Judgment Sheet, In the Federal Service Tribunal, Islamabad:
“6 the method of promotion for Director has been prescribed wherein it has been specifically mentioned that DRAP officers (DRAP employees and Civil Servants working in DRAP) would have to
complete customized courses . Therefore the appellant is not justified in claiming exemption from customized training. The Judgment of FST dated 11.07.2009 is not relevant in the instant case, as the situation has been changed after the promulgation of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan Act – 2012. . .
7. Keeping in view the above, the appeal having no force of merits is hereby rejected. Since the main
appeal is rejected, therefore, the M.P. is also disposed of accordingly.”
The above Judgment of FST was further upheld by august Supreme Court of Pakistan vide C.P No.2325 of 2019
titled Dr. Noor Muhammad Shah –vs- Federation of Pakistan through Secretary Ministry of National Health
Services Regulation & Coordination, Local Government & Rural Development Complex, Islamabad & Others.
This is also clear from the reply of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan through its Director (Admin, HR & Log) in
the above case in FST, that no promotion shall be granted to any officer without management course; herein,
Ministry of Health has been devolved to Provinces; and Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan is a new department /
authority established under a new ministry after 18th amendment in Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Mr. Asim Rauf CEO DRAP and Mr. Obaidullah acting Director Admin DRAP took huge amount of bribe to omit the
condition of management course for promotion of officers of DRAP through Policy Board. Whereby, Policy Board is
formed U/s 9 of DRAP Act 2012 and its functions are defined U/s 11 of DRAP Act 2012. It is pertinent to mention
here, that Policy Board is not a mighty Board, and Policy Board has no powers to overrule or change the Act of
Parliament or orders of Supreme Court / High Court / FST. It is suffice that the promotions of Mr. Asim Rauf CEO
DRAP, Mr. Obaidullah acting Director Admin DRAP and Mr. Fakhruddin Amir acting Director H&OTC DRAP from BS-
18/RO-13 to BS-19/RO-14 were declared illegal by Inquiry Committee of Ministry of National Health Service,
Coordination & Regulation on the order of Prime Minister.
In most of the cases maliciously, illegally and by abuse of official powers Policy Board is making decisions for
wrongful gains, which are in violation of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, orders of Courts of Law and
Acts of Parliament, and this act of Policy Board is a heinous crime. It is very important to mention here that BS-
18/RO-14 officers are illegally serving at two scales higher positions without mandatory approval of Federal Government as Directors in Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan e.g. Mr. Akhtar Abbas, Mr. Obaidullah, Mr.
Fakhruddin Amir etc. are serving as Directors in DRAP.
By abuse of official powers Policy Board has increased salaries of DRAP employees many folds without approval of
Ministry of Finance. DRAP employees are also getting Health Professional allowance, which is illegal. The Auditor
General of Pakistan has made audit paras on these un-authorise/ illegal withdrawal of exaggerated salaries and
Health Professional allowance “.

NEWSMAN investigated the issue which confirmed that Asim Rauf and some senior officials of ministry of Health in Islamabad made money and promoted DRAP officials from Grade 18 to 19 in devoid of merit and rules.

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