Conspiracy underway to deprive KPK of electing PSMA central chairman

Islamabad : After 50 years smooth sailing, Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA) has landed in a sabotaging mode for conspiring against Khyber Pukhtunkhaw (KPK) to avail its turn to elect central chairman of the association.

For decades , PSMA is following a rotation formula for granting equal opportunity to all provinces of Pakistan to elect their respective representative as central chairman of the association. Rotation formula has worked fine for five decades to ensure that each province elects its representative as central chairman on its turn for two years without counting for number of the mills in any province.

PSMA is one of the major trade associations of Pakistan and its rotation formula gives a real picture of the federation of Pakistan. On completion of 2-year period of Sindh of central chairmanship on September 30 last , Now its turn of KPK to elect its central chairman for two years . as per the practice and set procedure, PSMA KPK zone elected Mr Abbas Sarfraz Khan of Premier Group of Industries as central chairman of the association for 2-year period ( 2024-26) .

However , a group led by a source , a former PSMA central chairman and his hired employees of the association, are cunningly making efforts to deprive KPK of its legtimate right to elect its nominee as central chairman of PSMA. Smelling the conspiracy of a source and his compliances , PSMA KPK zone , Rizwan ullah Khan, has approached to DG Trade Organisations of the Commerce ministry and Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to apprise these regulators of possible attempt aimed at misguiding them about election of Mr Abbas Sarfraz Khan as PSMA central chairman.

In two separate letters filed with DG Trade Organisations and SECP , chairman KPK zone , Rizwan ullah Khan’s counsel claimed that a former PSMA central chairman ( a source ) and his cronies were trying to deprive KPK of its legtimate right of electing its representative as PSMA central chairman . Rizwan ullah Khan ‘s in his submission requested DG Trade Organisations and SECP not to entertain any application of the conspirators who are all bent upon to defy rotation formula to deprive small province (KPK) to select its representative as central chairman of PSMA .

A source in PSMA told NEWSMAN that a source and his like-minded group of sugar milkers was lobbying against Mr Sarfraz Abbas Khan’s election as PSMA central chairman. At this point in time when Pakistan ‘s federating units are are already at logger heads for getting their constitutional rightss any attempt to deprive KPK of its lawful right to elect its central chairman of PSMA will be catastrophic.

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