* Counter attack *

This snapshot of statistics pubished in Pakistan leading Newspaper Dawn’s on the front page on the very 1st Day of the New Year regarding uptick in incidents of terrorism sharply contrasts the picture carried by the paper of Sydney Fireworks on the new year’s eve.

My heart goes to the families of those brave sons of the soil who laid their lives in the defense of their homeland. It is the sanctity of our martyrs’ spilled blood by the terrorists that boil my blood and of so many other hard core Pakistanis who demand retribution and reckoning for their blood by the brave commanders of our brave armed forces .

According to the statistics issued by the Pakistan Centre for Conflict and Security (PCCS) and Centre of Research and Security ( CRS), the year 2023 recorded 56 percent increase in violence – an unprecedented escalation in the last 10 years which must be a matter of grave concern for our Military Commanders and the western powers as well, on whose behest we launched a series of military operations in our erstwhile tribal areas to restore peace, rather it further compromised our security, but none of the think tanks ever heeded to record or propagate this important aspect of this terrorism related statistics of the peace the prevailed before America dragged us into this endless and senseless war on terror imposed on the region at the cost of numerous innocent lives on both side of our shared border.

As I reflect on the slow bleeding of our beloved country and daily deaths of our young sons consumed by the foreign monster of terrorism that my mind looks for solution. In all honesty, it is always the the foreign hidden hands that I heard being blamed ever since my childhood whether India, Israel, Iran and now Afghanistan. But in this particularly case the epic centre of terrorism is now traced to the Afghan soil both by us and our international coalition partners, especially America. It is from these safe havens that these cowardly terrorists reportedly originate and continue to carry out their cowardly attacks against us, while we and our coalition partners don’t do much about it except meet and console each other, while Pakistani economy goes to the dogs and the western economic prosperity skyrocket like their celebratory new year’s fireworks picture carried by Dawn on its front page today.

The only solution that comes to my mind that can rid the country both of its internal and external challenges for good when our brave military commanders order an all out war against Afghanistan, whom we always blame for all ills in our society, over and above, their ingratitude for our 40 years of hospitality . The nation on both sides of the borders, who are held hostage by these terrorists will wholeheartedly support such brave decision by our brave military commanders that will have full backing of the western powers, who are equally worried about terrorism and want it rooted out once and for all militarily than any other means of reconciliation .

Since, we have already proven to the world of our capabilities of countering inland terrorism militarily through successful operations in our tribal areas , it is high time we go after the terrorists across into the neighboring Afghanistan much to the relief of the Western world, whose support and blessings we always need for our existence . I doubt the ill equipped and poorly organised ragtag Afghan militia is any match to a sophisticatedly equipped , exceptionally trained and highly motivated Pakistan Army and its courageous leaders that promise us a victory and realise our once cherished dream of strategic depth as both nations share common faith and border that the other side already don’t recognise compelling us to fence it for effective border management, t yet the entire exercise proved futile.

We are now left with no option except defend our country from cross- border terrorism by crossing over the” Durand Line”, as the best defence is to attack and it is high time we do it now then wait for the other side bleed us to the death, while we compile statistics generated by think tanks, while our army tanks rust in their garages and garrisons . Long Live Pakistan And Its Brave Armed Forces 🇵🇰

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