Resettlement in a third country is a dream of every refugee who can never return to his home country. But not every refugee is destined to resettle. The example of a refugee is like a living corpse that stumbles around in search of a soul. But there are
some heartless people in the world who take advantage of the problems of the refugees and cause them great harm. EU and countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, USA and UK have almost stopped resettling refugees from around the world because now these countries cannot bear the burden of more
refugees or they don’t want to have a soft corner for refugees because refugees have become a headache in many countries due to which the resettlement of refugees is in danger.
The number of refugees is increasing day by day due to a host of reasons. If a refugee is resettled, he is given resettlement along with his family, a single refugee is not given importance for resettlement. This author has met few refugees who have lost their mental balance or somehow wish to die because they see no future. Many see refugees as crows who live in garbage.
Out of the billions of dollars of funds received for the welfare of the refugees, the majority of the refugees do not receive a single dollar. Human trafficking in the name of refugees is on the rise. Canada’s Group of Five (G5) private sponsorship has been commercialized by several NGOs. In most of the 118 organizations of Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAH)
registered with Canadian immigration from different cities across Canada have fooled the people and refugees by
throwing dust in the eyes of the Canadian government. Ninety percent of SAH on the Canadian Immigration website are fake organizations whose email addresses a TV and telephone numbers but
do not respond.
While many of these organizations put the burden of sponsoring the Group of Five on another organization
and apologize that they cannot help resettle any refugee.
An investigation has revealed that refugees have to pay huge sum of money for private sponsorship of the Group of Five (G5) in Canada because not every refugee has friends or relatives in Canada. It has also come to light that some churches, temples, Muslim organisations and Sikh Gurdwaras
from around the world also arrange for private sponsorship of the Group of Five by taking huge sums of money from the
Human traffickers in Canada which has gone through this process is well aware of the business and it is still going
The Canadian government should investigate the five Canadian citizens or PR card holders vouching for the Group of Five, or investigate the refugee to see if he is being smuggled
or he is involved in the resettlement of the G-5 and that he has not used bribery. The Canadian immigration system is very transparent, but some notorious NGO’s try to abuse the system.
Few Canadian churches are also involved in the same business. Taking huge sum of money from refugees and giving them resettlement in the name of religion is a betrayal of religion and humanity.
The Canadian government should
abolish this system and create a more accountable system in which it distributes quotas of refugees only to UNHCR on merit to play an important role in the resettlement of refugees.
Because the resettlement by UNHCR from all over the world is being done in a transparent manner; no question of corruption arises. NGOs providing private sponsorship to refugees under
the guise of Groups of Five (G-5) have swindled millions of dollars.
Now it should be possible to end this corruption and the Canadian Immigration should register the NGOs working in a genuine way in the Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAH) and inquire about the performance of all the already registered NGOs so that their progress can be monitored and wrongdoing
can be detected.
Canada is a peaceful and paradise-like country and there should be no place for evil-minded elements in such a great country.
The writer is a senior Journalist He can be reached at Mobile No, +60109301521 Twitter ID: