* Deaf * !!

This video of deafening music was taken on Saturday at 10:30 PM at the F-10 Markaz, in a newly opened restaurant located at the extreme corner where Second Cup Coffee is situated, opposite Olympus Mall.

What is surprising, rather shocking, is that the capital is managed by the Chief Commissioner, who is also the Chairman of the Capital Development Authority, yet he has no civic sense. Nowhere in the world is loud music allowed in public places, yet this high-end market resembles a fish market, frequented mostly by foreigners.

I wonder if Chinese President Xi must have taken our Honourable Prime Minister’s assurance of good governance improvement seriously when there is hardly any right in the capital city of the country, which supposedly should serve as an example of good governance. We hardly lack the resources or manpower, as Islamabad has a Chief Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner, and below him countless Assistant Commissioners who are not only mobile with expensive vehicles but also have vehicles mounted with flashing lights to attract societal attention. These officials disappoint the nation with their lack of capacity to hear, see, and act, yet they move around in pomp and show, an exercise aimed at grandstanding.

Around 12:30 AM on Sunday 9th May 2024 , I observed yet another tamasha at the PTCL Chowk next to F-9 park, a traffic signal short the Centaurus Mall overhead bridge. A group of children with car windscreen wipers in their hands were playing on the main road and stealing anything they could lay their hands on. They attempted to snatch my bicycle lock, breaking its bracket, while it was being carried on my car’s stand, having unfortunately got punctured while I rode to F-11 Markaz to meet a friend who recently returned from abroad.

As a confused citizen, I cannot blame either the police or the children. The police force must have been exhausted from saluting their seniors the whole day, assuring them they are important people—a survival tonic our leaders need to feel proud of—while leaving the street children to manage traffic and law and order on their own.

The IG Islamabad is assured no harm or accountability, knowing the top man is there to protect him, to whom he salutes every hour. This assures him that IG Islamabad is loyal to him, whether he is loyal to his professional responsibilities is secondary. This logic is better understood by the street children and all street-smart people of Pakistan, making them smarter compared to ordinary citizens whose survival is becoming increasingly difficult. Their Prime Minister’s assurance to the world of good governance seems like a joke.

Long live Pakistan in the hands of charlatans whom the world blames for their dual standards and dual nationalities, making Pakistan merely a hunting ground and its citizens prey to these parasites. 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰

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