
Doomed are the nations that live for the moment, disregarding the consequences of their actions on the environment. Nothing epitomizes this impending doom more than the image captured on Tuesday, 4th July 2023, at 6 PM, at the bustling Itwar Bazar, owned by the Capital Development Authority, situated at Peshawar Morr in the heart of Islamabad, with the FIA HQ just across the road.

In this poignant image captured with my cellphone camera one can see the trolley loaded with an array of vegetables, most of which are packed in plastic bags. However, amidst this sea of plastic, one jute-made environment-friendly and degradable bag stands as a beacon of hope. While this bag might have cost the consumer an additional 10 rupees, it serves as a humble contribution towards preserving our planet and preventing the choking demise that rampant plastic consumption inflicts on our environment.

This scene raises questions about the collective responsibility we share towards the environment. What would Honourable Iskander Khan, Chairman of Syntron, who invested heavily in producing environmentally friendly bags, and my other environmentalist friends, including the esteemed Adil Zarif, currently seeking solace in the lap of pristine nature at the foot of the Hindu Kush, think of this concerning sight in the heart of Pakistan’s capital? It is perplexing that while local administration discourages the use of plastic bags by imposing heavy fine on the violators , the local Assistant Director of CDA supervising this particular market seems to endorse them on the quiet once his palms are greased that he forgets his own responsibility towards the environment in which he and his family also breath and exist . This incongruity further highlights the urgency to address the issue of plastic pollution.

The use of plastic bags has reached alarming levels, contributing to environmental degradation and contaminating perishable items, particularly fruits and vegetables. However, instead of succumbing to despair, we must recognize the potential for change and collective action.

Pakistan stands at a crossroads, and it is crucial for us to steer away from the path of self-destruction. We can begin by implementing practical and sustainable solutions to curb plastic pollution and promote eco-friendly alternatives. Here are some steps that I suggest to my former colleague Honourable Sherry Rehman at Dawn, the incumbent Federal Minister Of Climate Change, if she would consider worthy of consideration let alone implementation.

Encourage the government to establish and enforce regulations that limit the production and use of single-use plastics. Additionally, corporations should invest in sustainable packaging alternatives and provide incentives for consumers to adopt eco-friendly choices.

Launch comprehensive public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the environmental impact of plastic pollution. Informing people about the benefits of using biodegradable bags and other sustainable practices can inspire behavioral changes.

Promote and support local businesses and entrepreneurs, like Syntron, that focus on eco-friendly solutions. By empowering such ventures, we can accelerate the shift towards greener practices.
Invest in robust recycling infrastructure to manage plastic waste efficiently. This includes setting up recycling centers and encouraging responsible disposal habits among the public.

Encourage consumers to make informed choices by opting for reusable bags, supporting local eco-friendly brands, and reducing their overall plastic consumption.

By collectively adopting these measures, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous Pakistan. Let us honor our rich heritage and natural wonders by taking responsible actions today, ensuring a better tomorrow for generations to come. Together, we can rise above the doom that looms and create a harmonious coexistence with our environment. 🥦

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