Establishment Division budges down to pressure for KPT chairman appointmen

Mafia wins to secure KPT top position for its blue-eyed

ISLAMABAD: Finally, the mafia has forced the Establishment Division’s top officials to budge down successfully to the pressure it exerted to set aside its objections for appointment of Nadir Mumztaz Warraich as chairman Karachi Port Trust (KPT), reliable sources said.
The Establishment Division had raised objections over appointment of Nadir Mumtaz Warraich as KPT chairman in its report and on the same basis the federal cabinet had rejected two summaries moved by the Maritime Division for his appointment as KPT chairman. The mafia did not stop even after rejection of two summaries for appointment of Nadir Mumtaz Warraich as KIP chairman and it invented a new strategy to secure appointment of Nadir Mumtaz Warraich to KPT chairman.
The officials documents made available to NEWSMAN suggested the federal cabinet rejected the first summary moved by the Maritime Affairs Division for appointment of Nadir Mumtaz Warraich as KPT Chairman as he, being the government employee, had neither sought no objection certificate (NoC) from its mother department (Income Tax Department) not resigned from the present post to qualify for appointment of KPT chairman. Nadir Mumtaz Warraich, being an Income TaX officer of 21- grade was required to resign from his post to appear before the selection committee for interview to qualify for the post of KTP chairman. Since, Nadir Mumtaz Warraich had no experience to run KPT, a mega public sector department and turn it into a competitive port to compete with its regional ports he despite top level connections of his supportive mafia did not resign from current position. Nadir Mumtaz’s reluctance left the mafia with no other option, but to move another summary for his regular appointment as KPT chairman. The mafia failed to secure approval of the summary from the federal cabinet due to objections raised by the Establishment Division. Although, the Establishment Division’s objections had made the mafia’s task difficult, but it did not give up here. Rather, it managed the second summary from Maritime Affairs Division which did not include reference of the first summary as it could lead to rejection from the federal cabinet again. Somehow, the second summary too did not work as the Establishment Division had opposed it in the federal cabinet meeting again.
After rejection of two summary for regular appointment of Nadir Mumtaz Warraich, the crooked mafia took a new route to dodge the prime minister and his cabinet by referring the case of the same Income Tax Group guy to appoint him as KPT chairman on deputation basis.
This trick worked up to the expectations of the mafia. The federal cabinet without reaching to the bottom of the matter and ponder as to why the Maritime Affairs Division was so desperate to seek appointment of an Income Tax guy who took had already enjoyed three extensions (9 months in total) as KPT chairman on look after basis granted approval of appointing Nadir Mumtaz Warraich as KPT chairman on deputation. The Establishment Division had issued a formal notification for this shady appointment on January 10, 2021.
Did the prime minister had no idea why an inexperienced guy was tipped as KPT chairman on deputation. Another, question which may haunt the prime minister and his cabinet when Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) government will be out of power as to what made this top forum to approve appointment of an officer with no experience as KPT chief on deputation when the selection committee had a number of experienced candidate on its interview list. .

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