KARACHI: Fahim Mughal, who was fired by Express media group committed suicide after failing in earning livelihood for his family. Fahim was working with Express media group and was fired by the media group as a part of its policy of downsizing to curtail its expense. Since coming in of Imran Khan rule, almost all media groups in Pakistan are strictly following a policy of downsizing for two reasons. One to cut down expense. And second to create an impression that the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf government was strangulating its business and hence leaving them in total disarray. If one conducts income and expense survey, it can clearly demonstrate that the business cut of media houses was not as biting as their owners portrayed to lay off their staff. Fahim Mughal was one of those journalists who had brunt of worker lay -off policy of Express media group. He, according to some media reports, followimg lay off by Express media group tried to run a rakshaw to somehow maintain his and his family’s breath going, but outcome of this effort also discouraged this young journalist.
Fahim unnatural death has left behind many questions for the rulers and media house owners. Will anyone answer this biting question as to who is responsible of untimely death of Fahim Mughal. Will any one dare to come forward from the ruling elite and Express media group to tell his family members who was responsible of tragic dead of Fahim Mughal?.