Govt does utmost to tackle Islamophobia : Religious minister

Govt does utmost to tackle Islamophobia : Religious minister

Islamabad ,: On the occasion of the Day of Protection of the Honor of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a meeting of Ulema and Mashaikh was held in the committee room of the Ministry of Religious Affairs under the chairmanship of Federal Minister Sardar Muhammad Yousaf on Saturday. Secretary Religious Affairs Dr. Syed Atta-ur-Rehman welcomed the distinguished guests while explaining the objectives and goals of the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Maulana Zahoor Alvi, Mufti Zameer Ahmed Sajid, Allama Arif Wahidi, Maulana Ali Muhammad Abu Turab, Chaudhry Kashif, President Anjuman Tajran, Mufti Abdul Salam Jalali, Maulana Khatib Mustafai, Qari Mehboob-ur-Rehman, Professor Sajjad Qamar, Maulana Qari Abdul Karim, Maulana Atiq-ur-Rehman, Maulana Chirag-ud-Din Shah and others. Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf said that the Day of Protection of the Honor of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is being celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country today. He reiterated the resolve that consultations with Ulema and Mashaikh will continue on every important issue as in the past. There can be no compromise on the protection of the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In my previous term, an anti-blasphemy cell was formed to prevent blasphemous content on social media, which will be further strengthened. I thank my leadership and the public for trusting me again and entrusting me with the responsibility. In the meeting, the scholars expressed their views regarding the Day of Protection of the Honor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They fully supported the government’s efforts, especially the past and recent steps taken by the Minister for Religious Affairs, Sardar Muhammad Yousuf. At the end of the meeting, the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs read out a unanimous statement, the main points of which were expressed that the existing laws for the protection of the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) should be strictly implemented. It should also be ensured that these laws are not misused so that innocent people do not fall victim to any false accusation. Scholars and mashaykhs should highlight the importance of protecting the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in their Friday sermons. The public, especially the younger generation, should be made aware of the issue of honor and its sensitivity, as well as the safe use of social media. In case of any violation, instead of taking the law into their own hands, they should approach government institutions. The theme of the upcoming National Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) Conference is “State Responsibilities in Teaching and Training the Beneficial Use of Social Media. In the Light of Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH).” The conference will consider measures to teach the young generation the beneficial use of social media in accordance with Islamic values. The honor and sanctity of the Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH), is an integral part of the faith of every Muslim. It is the duty of every Muslim to make every possible legal and social effort to protect the honor of the Prophet (PBUH).

Acknowledging Pakistan’s effective role in combating Islamophobia and preventing blasphemy in the name of freedom of expression at the global level, the commitment was reiterated that Pakistan will continue to take all possible diplomatic, legal and social measures to protect the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The international community was called upon to enact legislation to make insulting religious sanctities an international crime. The Government of Pakistan is requested to ensure strict implementation of anti-blasphemy laws and also take steps to prevent the misuse of these laws. Effective use of technology should be made to monitor and prevent blasphemous content on social media and the public should be fully aware of these laws. No weakening or relaxation of the law for the protection of the honor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will be allowed in Pakistan. Ulema, Mashaikhs and religious scholars of all schools of thought should unite and play their role to create unity and solidarity in the nation.

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