* Graceful * !!

This is the picture of Honourable Gohar Ayub, the former Foriegn Minister, Author, Politician and Soldier. The family relations is traced back to his grandfather and my grandfather back in Kashmir pre-partition that they as a family maintained till date for which we as a family are grateful.

I first met this graceful personality back in 80s when his Honourable Mother was admitted at the CMH Rawalpindi in VIP Ward – 1. While I sat at the back seat of the small Susuki FX car that my cousin owned with my uncle Late Col. Arham Khan Effendi occupying the front seat that we received a knock on the front window. The person respectfully introduced himself as “Gohar”, to whom my defident and shy Uncle responded not as warmly as I expected, as he was a quiet person, yet he kept standing till we had not left to later get into his Mercedes parked next to our small car. That was the day and the moment, he had won my heart and admiration for him and the family to be graceful and with inimitable traditional values. This very gesture of the Honourable son of the late Field Marshal further substantiated what I had heard about how gracefully Ayub Khan left the power once people began to show disapproval of his rule and policies unlike what we see today of people clinging to power despite such disgraceful things one sees on the social media.

I wish Honourable Uncle Gohar Ayub good health and long life and we, as a family have great admiration for them and their values to have always owned us, as part of their own family in all situations.

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