* History Haunts * !

One must ponder over this very drawing curated by Sir Charles D’yly and published in 1813. It sheds light on the harshness of slavery, a price one pays to rely on others, the mindset that hardly changed after our 75 years of dependence on those who acted as leeches to suck our blood both as nation and people.

This saga must give Tipu Sultan a severe heart ache in his grave and the British a laughter that after centuries of their exploiters, we still rely on them to help us loot our own people to serve their interests without realising we have no place in the western society except like that of African salves hired to build their lands for them where they can lavishly live without worrying where the rest of the world live or die.

As the year 2022, comes to an end, we must revisit our past of how we lost Bengal and how Britain won Bengal to later kill 30% of its population through the femine once they were denied their own grown food taken by force as taxation something that we in Pakistan continue to suffer at the heavy hands of IMF taxation.

Even Mir Syed Jaffer Ali Khan, Khan Bahadur , the puppet East India Company Nawab after he betrayed his country and people by siding with the British realised belatedly how difficult it is to walk independently with foriegn crutches, after he was made a Nawab after he killed Siraj Ul Daula and forced to pay bribes to the East India Company officials as high as 2 lakhs to a clerk turned conquerer of Bengal Sir Lord Clive. Sadly, Clive had a walk over of Bengal like the Indian Army in 71. With just 3000 soldiers,, Clive won the battle of plassey against the 50,000 strong army of Nawab Siraj ul Daula then under the command of Mir Jaffer, to whom his self aggrandisement was dearer than national freedom, while he lost both and earned himself a life long honour of a “National Traitor”, and a life of a slave on the throne.

It pains when we as a nation still believes Divine Intervention will rescue us when we continue to rely on others, trying to ingratiate them with everything that the Creator gifted us including the rich land, its resources and people, who are proud, honest and hard working but are forced to flee in hordes to foreign lands to serve them than their own country and people, when they are denied every opportunity by the nepotism and self – interests of those who are at the helm of the affairs.

It looks as if Mir Jaffer was not a character but a national trait that those follow who are destined to be doomed as Slaves forgetting how once they were blown to pieces from the barrels of the canons whenever they demanded Freedom.

One can wish we learn from history and value our freedom than wish for the western affluence, when we are afflicted with malaise of treachery and betrayal of our own people, culture, traditions and self – dependence. We try to piggyback the West, without reconciling to the reality of being in the East and the long distance that separates the two, whether cultural, historical, traditional or technological, unless we cover the distance that we can cross the bridge as friends instead of constantly inviting masters to be our friends, knowingly, we have nothing in common, whether financially, politically or otherwise .

Long Live Pakistan & A Very Happy New year 2023 to Her Resilient Nation Of 220 Million, with Just 50,000 child birth alone a day, in Faisalabad, the Industrial City, where most of the Industries are closed down.🇵🇰

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