IHC declares ‘Dead man’, successor appointment as DRAP CEO illegal

IHC declares ‘Dead man’, successor appointment as DRAP CEO illegal

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court on Thursday fired Shaikh Akhtar Hussain a ‘Dead man’ and his successor, Asim Rauf, as look after chief executive officer (CEO) of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) and ordered the government to appoint a fulltime incharge of this key organization.

While declaring Shaikh Akhtar Hussain’s appointment as illegal, the court ordered to recover all payments made to him as DRAP CEO as well as  Phd allowance as his degree was fake. In his case, the court ordered to investigate those who appointed and facilitated Shaikh Akhtar Hussain to get DRAP CEO post.

Shaikh Akhtar Hussain was a unique fraudulent character. He, through his aides, submitted to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) a certificate, showing him as dead a few years back. His cheating to NAB was basically for closing files of more than one cases of fraud under investigation against hims in the bureau.

This ‘dead’ man not only reemerged in 2018, but, he also got appointment as DRAP CEO– the most lucrative post– for such a fraudulent character as any corrupt like him could mint more money at this post from pharmaceutical firms by allowing them to sell lifesaving drugs at their desired rates. He exactly did the same thing and minted money as much as he wanted.

The policy board  of DRAP is a competent authority to appoint CEO of the department. Shiakh Akhtar Hussain’s appointment was made by three members of the board comprising Sultan Ghani, Dr Ikram and Shamoon. These members of the policy board were actually facilitators of Shaikh Akhtar Hussain who was already secretary of the department. The action of board members also irked IHC judges of awarding the Shaikh 8 extra marks in interview for having a fake Phd degree. Isn’t it funny that a board of a department is competent to appoint a CEO of the department.

Shaikh Akhtar Hussain, who was a crooked of his own kind, gave new height to corruption in DRAP. His links with powerful people like former chief justice of Pakistan, Saqib Nisar and many powerful politicians of PTI like Amir Kayani, Governor Sindh and even at higher position in Islamabad, provided him full support to facilitate him in minting money from pharmaceutical firms, get some portion for himself and share other with powerful lobbies of politicians. He was considered as a most powerful man in Pakistan’s medicine industry when Saqib Nisar was CJP. Not long ago, he could send to those to jail through his link with Saqib Nasir who dared to challenge his corruption at any level, besides firing those committed  and honest officials of DRAP who challenged his appointment as DRAP CEO and dared to resist his corruption.

His power and rise and rise with unprecedented corruption as DRAP CEO is a worst example of Pakistan’s failed system. His accumulated wealth can be assessed from only his one commercial  property in Liberty Lahore. His businesses and properties made from ill-gotton money outside Pakistan also speak of real volume of his corruption as DRAP CEO.

Shaikh Akhtar hussain also enjoyed full support of big shots of pharmaceutical industry during his tenure as DRAP CEO. He, in fact, was a dawn of Pakistan’s pharmaceutical industry more than DRAP boss.

The court orders of terming his appointment as illegal and recovery of all benefits and privileges as DRAP boss is an inspiring development, but a separate commission should be constituted which  should investigate as to how he laundered money from Pakistan and purchased properties at least half a dozen countries.

The court’s observation on firing of some senior and honest officers of DRAP and restoring them, with immediate effect, will also give good message to other government employees who are facing similar environment in DRAP or any other department.

The court orders to remove Asim Rauf from the post of DRAP chief and direction to the authorities to appoint permanent boss for this department will have healthy affect on its working.


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