Interpol approached to detain Ashraf Ghani for stealing public money

ISLAMABAD: Aghanistan embassy in Tajikistan has approached to INTERPOL for arresting former Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, and his two aides… Hamadullah Mohib and Fazal Mahood Fazli ..for stealing $ 169 million of Afghan public money while fleeing from Afghanistan when Taliban were closing in Kabul to take its control .

TOLO news, an Afghan news outlet, reported on August 18, 2021.


“The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan has asked Interpol police to detain Ashraf Ghani, Hamdallah Mohib and Fazal Mahmood Fazli on charges of stealing public wealth, so that funds could be returned to #Afghanistan, sources said”.

Ashraf Ghani and his close aides had stuffed four cars and a helicopter with US dollars before fleeing from Afghanistan just hours prior to fall of Kabul to Taliban.

Accoding to some media reports, Russia had claimed soon after Ashraf Ghani’s fleeing from Kabul that former Afghan president had taken away huge public money .

Ashraf Ghani and his close aides were seen in a footage running out of Kabul and boarding a helicopter to leave Afghanistsn for some unknown destination before Taliban could take control of Kabul and foil his attempt for fleeing out of Afghanistan.

Ashraf Ghani’s destination was unknown at the time of fleeing from Kabul , however, after an hiatus of a few days , international media reported his landing in United Arab Emirates (UAE).

According to a UAE official statement, Ashraf Ghani, who had betrayed his people back home and allegedly stolen $ 169 million public money, has been allowed to stay alongwith his family on “humanitarian grounds”.

Ashraf Ghani’s landing in UAE and seeking permission for refuge there is not an unexpected development. At least everyone in the Soth Asia region can understand its reason. But mystry remains as if UAE was really first landing destination of Ashraf Ghani after running away from Kabul or his helicopter landed in New Delhi for a “short stay” before taking- off for UAE.

Next question,which boggles everyone’s mind is how long Ashraf Ghani will stay in UAE and will INTERPOL detain him on Afghanistan allegations of steeling public money?.

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