JI lauches fund raising campaign for Palestine cause

Sirajul Haq addresses public march in Islamabad, announces unflinching support for Palestinian

ISLAMABAD: Jamaat Islami (JI) on Friday launched a countrywide fund raising campaign for financial support to Israeli military assault hit Palestinian.

JI ameer,Sirajul Haq , formally launched Al-Qudas fund and appealed to Pakiatani nation to contribute generously in the fund as their Palestinian brothrn needed financial support to have medicines and food in war times while addressing a mammoth Al- Qudas march in Islamabad.

Sirajul Haq declared that JI will hold million march in different cities of Pakistan to build up public pressure on the rulers of Pakistan who, he said, were too coward to stand with struggling Palestinian. He also attacked OIC for not standing up and extending full support to Palestinian against Israel. He demanded of the Islamic countries which have accepted Isreal to change their decision and come forward to support Palestine cause.

Sirajul Haq said Israel was an illigtimate state and it can not be given a legal status.

“JI stands with Palestinian who courgiously fought against Israel to stop its intrusion in Al-Qudas”, Sirajul Haq declared at full throat.

He urged upon Islamic countries to have unity among their ranks to stop Israel killing innocent Palestinian. He also expressed solidarity with Kashmiris and assured them that Pakistani nation stands with them till end to Indian occupation of Kashmir.

Other speakers including former MNA , Mian Aslam, Qasi Asif , Engr Randhawa and other speakers addressed the march.

A large number of women and childern participated in the march.

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