* Medical Emergency * !!

The government of the day, subsequent to its suffocating budget, has proceeded with another life-threatening measure.
I recently discovered that the anti-tetanus vaccine is unavailable in all medical stores in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. I wonder whether the beauty-conscious Chief Minister, who was thoughtful enough to introduce air ambulances, is aware of this devastating medical emergency. An ordinary open injury can develop into a life-threatening situation, especially among children who suffer frequent falls and injuries.

Some situations are heartbreaking, and one such condition is tetanus. It starts with body pain and fever, gradually locking the jaws and constricting the windpipe, making the dying patient gasp for their last breath before death. There is no treatment for tetanus except the preventive vaccine, which is now also unavailable. As if being declared a polio-virus nation wasn’t enough of a qualification for our pathetic state of affairs, we are managed by those whose vision revolves around introducing air ambulances—a facility that would only be available to them as part of the “Very Important Persons League.” What a shame.

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