Ministry of Power fails to comply to PMO directives

Ministry of Power fails to comply to PMO directives

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Power failed to comply with majority of tasks including establishment of competitive electricity market in the country, assigned through Task Management System (TMS) of Prime Minister Office (PMO), sources said.

The TMS has assigned 147 tasks to Power Division. Out of total tasks, the Power Ministry has completed 53 tasks whereas 77 tasks are overdue. However, 17 tasks are in progress.

It was revealed that the 77 tasks are already overdue but ministry did not justifying extension in timelines or report on reasons of delay.

The sources said the formation of Boards of Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB), National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) are yet to be completed.

Regarding the progress on financial model of the Advance Metering Infrastructure/ transformer meters for the loss making feeders in the first phase, it was noted that initially meetings were held with manufacturers to ascertain possibility of getting latest technology transformers in different categories in line with international practices.

The Ministry submitted a PC-1 to Planning Commission for installation of APMS systems with 100/200 kV transformers. The approximate cost of the project was estimated Rs 72 billions. Local manufacturers of transformers with built-in APMs may take some time. The talks with development partners are in progress for exploring funding source for the project.

In the first phase AMI meters are being installed on 3-phase meters, as per original plan. Total 3-phase meters are 1.396 million. The authorities has installed 211496 AMI on 3 Phase meters up to June 2024.

Likewise, total remaining 1184767 meters are supposed to be installed in the next three years. ADB has committed to bear the cost of 331900 meters which is approximately Rs1.8 billion. The govt are also trying to contact with Donors for expediting installation of remaining meters as soon as possible.

As per plan, the single phase meters are required around 31619385. Total 1066487 meters are being installed. The process of the meter installation will be completed up to February-2025 in IESCO region.
The authorities will also installed 30.55 million single phase meters in the country. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 915.587 billion.

ElectricityIESCOMinistry of PowerTMS
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