NAB says SAPM favoured accused by unnecessarily attacking it

ISLAMABAD: June 30, 2021: Yhe National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Wednesday outrightly rejected the remarks of Special Assistant for Energy and Petroleum, Tabish Gohar, delivered during a speech to Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) by terming the same as baseless, fabricated and contrary to the facts.

NAB while brushing aside the remarks said that the SAPM has tried to create negative image of NAB in the business community besides attempting to influence the sub judice LNG reference and allegedly benefit the accused involved in the reference.

NAB has decided to officially seek the copy of the statement of Tabish Gohar delivered in FPCCI, Karachi from PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority) and analyse it in the light of Clause 31 (a) of the NAB ordinance afterwards the law will take its course.

In an official handout issued here by director media, Nawazish Asim, said NAB out strongly deny the baseless allegations leveled against it accusing that the bureau has taken notice of recent agreements inked with Qatar and CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) projects as the bureau is a human friendly institute which believes in zero corruption and hundred percent progress. It may be mentioned here that the strategy of NAB on the basis of alleged wrong doing in the past in LNG to remove flaws in future agreements with IPPs (Independent Power Producers) through holding negotiations has proved successful.

It added it will help in saving Rs 836 billion of government .He referred a press release of the bureau which was issued on February 18, 2021 and March 30, 2021 duly aired by all TV channels and published in news papers is the part of record. NAB also categorically said that no investigations were being carried out regarding any project of CPEC and the statement of SAPM is contrary to the facts and the bureau denies this statement forcefully.
It maintained that it is honour to mention here that the bureau is the only institution in the world which has inked a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with China to oversee CPEC projects. Pakistan and China will work closely for elimination of corruption.

Commenting about keeping the accused in 90 days incarnation – NAB clarified that NAB presents an accused to relevant account court within 24 hours period before Accountability Court.
NAB not only record reasons of the arrest of the accused but also answer the objections raised by the lawyer of the accused person. The Honourable Accountability Court decides about the remand of the accused after hearing remarks of both sides on merit in accordance with constitution and law.

NAB advised the SAPM to meticulously review the NAB Ordinance approved by the Parliament. It is relevant to mention here that the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan had already reviewed the NAB Ordinance in Anfandyar Wali case.
He said the NAB has assured business community and bureaucracy again and again that the bureau is a human and business friendly institution and firmly believes in serving as per Constitution and relevant law. The people of business community and bureaucracy who are working with the ambit of laws must not frightened at all as NAB was their own institution which gives importance to the role of business community in the progress and prosperity of the country as well as NAB considers bureaucracy as backbone of the country.

NAB Chairman had already met with the leadership of business community at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and NAB headquarters and took immediate measures to resolve their issues.

The Chairman NAB also sent Income Tax, Sales Tax and Under Invoicing cases of business community to FBR (Federal Board of Revenue) as per law. Chairman has also established a Special Desk at NAB Headquarters to resolve the problems of business community. The business community leadership felicitated the Chairman NAB on this initiative. NAB considers role of bureaucracy as the most important for progress and prosperity of the country. NAB has always said that it has no affiliation with any political party, group or individual but with the state.

NAB is performing its duties for eradication of corruption and recovery of looted money without caring about any duress, pressure or progaganda. NAB will continue playing its constitutional and legal role for recovery of the looted money so that the country could be made corruption free.
The current management of NAB under the dynamic leadership of Honourable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal Chairman NAB has recovered Rs. 533 billion directly or indirectly from corrupt elements in last three years. The excellent performance of NAB has already been lauded by reputed national, and international institutions including World Economic Forum, Transparency International Pakistan, Global Peace Canada, PILDAT and MISHAL Pakistan. Also the Gilani Gallup Survey has reported that 59 percent Pakistani reposed confidence over NAB. NAB is the Chairman of Anti Corruption Forum of SAARC and focal institute under UN anti corruption convention, which is honour for NAB.

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