OIC snubs India for revoking special status of Kashmir

PM calls for peaceful solution of Kashmir , Palestine issues

ISLAMABAD : Addressing a 2-day Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) Foreign ministers’ conference that commenced in Islamabad on March 22, 2022 the OIC secretary general expressed his concern over Indian act of revoking article 370 of the Indian Constitution that provides special status to the Kashmiris . The Foreign ministers of 57 Islamic countries are participating in the OIC conference . The Foreign minister of China, Germany , United Kingdom are also attending the conference , Special Delegates of different countries as well as Islamic Development Bank (ADB) president and OIC secretary general are attending the conference .
Addressing the conference , prime minister congratulated the Muslim Umma for passage of a resolution by United Nations declaring March 15 as a day of anti Islamophobia . The prime minister urged upon the OIC to create unity among Muslim countries to counter anti Islam trend , besides securing a respectable status for Muslim Ummah in today’s world. The prime minister said the OIC could play a vital role in resolving long outstanding issues of Palestine and Kashmir . He said Pakistan was seriously concerned over hegemonstic approach of New Delhi which is at war against innocent Kashmiris . He said just solution to Palestine and Kashmir issues was vital for promoting the culture of lasting peace in the world . The OIC secretary general expressed concern over Indian act of revoking special status of Kashmir and urged upon the parties concerned to sort out the Kashmir issue as per wishes of the Kashmir people . ADB president told the OIC conference that his bank has set up a special fund for providing assistance to the calamity hit people in any Islamic country.
The conference on its second day is likely to pass 150 plus resolutions . It is also likely to pass separate resolution urging for fair and just solution to Palestine and Kashmir issues. Foreign minister , Shah Mahmood Qureshi , Foreign Minister and several Foreign ministers of OIC member countries also addressed to the OIC conference and shared their views on important issues like Islamophobia , Kashmir, Afghanistan and Palestine .
Foreign minister of Saudi Arabia , Iran, China and many other Islamic countries had sideline meetings with prime minister .

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