Pakistan get FATF patting, India get disappointment

India, its friends fail to drag Pakistan into greylist

Pak- India engagement big development

Pakistan get world patting for good work

Pakistan make big stride in global scenario

ISLAMABAD: In the last couple of days, Pakistan has made tremendous achievements on global front. Its achievements, particularly, on very sensitive issue of terror financing, Financial Action Task Force (FATF) like global organisation not only acknowleged Pakistan’s efforts to curb this menace , but also noted that Pakistan was making great efforts to meet all tagets set for it to get out of its grey list. One can hope, Pakistan will do the remaining work by June and get out of greylist by June next. The new deadline set by FATF for review in the case of Pakistan.

India led anti Pakistan lobby has failed in making Pakistan’s case worse and persuade FATF to place Pakistan in blacklist.

India and its like minded lobbies have met disappoinment on failing to drag Pakistan into blacklist of FATF.

Pakistan has put in place a mechanism to monitor funancial transections made from or for Pakistan. It did put in place a reliable data anaylatical system to check movement of those organisations, which were considered doubtful and in the past their activities were objected by the world community. It was a fact that Pakistan had faced problems on global front due to some objectionable activities of certain organisations.

It was also a reality that Pakistan had been a victim of global disinformation. To hurt Pakistan, India did manage to create a bad perception of Pakistan . It used its notorious network like one exposed recently in Europe to malign Pakistan.

Now Pakistan is seriously working to meet all FATF targets and make the world community feel that it was a responsible state and in no form or shape encourges terrorism or any such activities.

Its the central point of Pakistan ‘s policy to discourge terror in all its forms and it has been rightly acknowleged by FATF in its last meeting..

FATF patting will help
Pakistan follow its remaining agenda vigrously .

Islamabad has also achieved another milestone in the current week as India has come to talking terms on military front after a break of many years. Both countries have made a channel of military contact operatioal. Its a big development and a major achievement of Islamabad as it was asking India to give up its aggressive posture and come to talking terms. Prime minister, Imran Khan, has been asking his Indian counterpart to work togather for peace in the region.

Now restoration of military link between the two countries for ceasefire on borders and give a chance to peace is actually a win of Pakistan.

On local front, Pakistan is searching for political stability. In recent months, Pakistan had seen rising temperature on political front.

Pakistan Demoratic Front (PDM) , an opposition alliance, managed to create pressure on Pakiatan Tehreek – e- Insaf (PTI) government through public rallies across Pakistan. Its fast ballers like Nawaz Sharif , Asif Zardari, Balawal Bhutto and Maulana Fazal- ur- Rehman have made very strong balling spell , but its not end of the game yet. Its government turn now. Its all -rounders are going to give tough time to PDM team.

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