Pakistan knockdown COVID-19

ISLAMABAD; Pakistan is almost out of corona pandemic as its number of new positive cases and death rate due to this deadly virus has gone down to negligible level . Asad Umar, federal minister and focal person for COVID-19, announced Pakistan’s achievements against COVID-19 in a media talk here after a meeting of National Coordination Committee. He unveiled major relaxations for almost all sectors which were under restrictions since last mid March when COVID- 19 surfaced in Pakistan.He gave good news of lifting restrictions imposed by the government to slow down spread of the virus in early days of March 2020. Asad Umar announced lifting of all restrictions from businesses and commercial activities forthwith. He said all markets, businesses industrial activities shops , bazars are being allowed to open with immediate effect. The minister said tourists points, gyms and health clubs , parks, beauty parlours are open-up from August 8. He also announced to open restaurants and hotels across Pakistan from August 10. Likewise, he said, educational institutions are being opened-up from September 15, 2020. However, situation for opening-up education insitutiions will be reviewed on September 7. Asad Umar also announced to open-up marriage halls marquees, theatres from September 15. The minister added that public transport will also start operating from August 10. He said it also included metro service in Lahore and Islamabad also. However, he maintained , trains and aeroplanes will observe restrictions already in place till September 30. He said the public will start normal travelling in aeroplanes and trains from October 1. 2020. He gave the credit of fighting.out COVID-19, to a well coordinated efforts of the government. He recalled that international media acknowledged Pakistan’s achievements against COVID-19 due to its successful strategy. He said the government introduced a result-oriented strategy to stop spread of the deadly virus which included complete lockdown in the first phase, it was followed by smart lockdown and above all a vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan to take the right decision at the right time to cope.with COVID-19 pandemic. The minister said Pakistan is among those lucky countries which have managed to get out of corona pandemic in very short timeframe ,besides suffering minimum human lives loss. Pakistan’s human lives loss is around 6 thousand and economic loss too remained less than many other countries. The credit of implementing a good strategy also goes to NCOC as jt implemented a well coordinated plan to fight out the pandemic in possible shortest timeframe.

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