Pakistan receives first tranche of $ 1.1 billion from IMF

Karachi : The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Friday said it has received from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the first tranche of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of 760 million equvelent to $ 1.1 billion . IMF had approved a $ 7 billion loan for Pakistan under Extended Fund Facility (EFF) on September 25 last and announced to release the first tranche of the loan immediately. According to the lender , Pakistan will receive the next tranche of the loan of almost the same amount of $ 1.1 billion in March or April next year. The release of the next tranche to Pakistan under EFF is linked to Islamabad ‘s performance in taking stringent measures such as complete ending of subsidies and bringing a number of new areas like retailers, real estate and agriculture into tax net. Pakistan has made commitments to the fund to broaden its tax net and add all those areas into tax net which are yet enjoying immunity in tax payments. Pakistan ‘s lack of will is major barrier in taxing agriculture , real estate retail sector and many services. Pakistan’s corrupt tax machinery is also a major hurdle in plugging off loopholes in tax income. In a recent research , it was revealed that Pakistan has a 90 trillion rupee black market . IMF is demanding end of special treatment to all those sectors which are being exempted from paying taxes currently. Agriculture retail sector , real estate sector and services sector are among holy cows which eat -up major portion of Pakistan’s income by not paying their due share in revenue income of Pakistan.

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