Pakistan report over 5000 new cases since April

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ISLAMABAD: After a break of three months, Pakistan’ s corona positive cases have gone over 5000 mark in the last 24 hours.

Pakistan had reported 5112 positive cases on April 29, 2021 and now it reached the same level after three months’ gap with 5029 positive cases as of August 1, 2021.

The alarming upward trend in corona cases’ trajectory is a cause of serious concern for the authorities, who are making every possible move to avert looming crisis like the one India faced in previous months.

Sudden surge in positive cases has put pressure back on Pakistan’s healthcare system. The hospitals across Pakistan are reporting influx of corona infected patiants . In some big cities doctors have been called back on duty to cope with the situation arising due to quick influx of infected patiants at emergencies in the hospitals.

The experts have been contiously cautioning the authorities of the worst impact of Delta varriant (Indian origin virus).

According to National Command and Operation Centre ( NCOC) statistics released here on Sunday, Pakistan had 5029 new corona cases in the last 24 hours.

The data shows Pakistan conducted 56,965 corona tests in the last 24 hours to take total number to over 1.6 million tests.

Sindh topped with 382,865 tests, Punjab had 356,920, KPk 144,289, Islamabad 87,699, Balochistan 30, 432 , AJK 24501 and Gilgit Baltistan have conducted 8154 tests so for.

Pakistan also reported 62 deaths due to corona infection in the last 24 hours. These numbers have made corona pandemic a serious challenge for Pakistan again.

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