PM sacks Javed Iqbal as MPC chief on new sex scandal

ISLAMABAD : (July 7, 2022). As the sex scandal questions moral credibility of  National Accountability Bureau (NAB) former chairman   and Justice (R) , Javed  Iqbal, prime minister , Shahbaz Sharif, has dismissed him as chief of Missing Persons Commission (MPC) with immediate effect.

Javed Iqbal had more than one feathers in his cap for years. He was holding the office of NAB chief and at the same time enjoying  status of chief of Missing Persons Commission formed to trace and recover missing persons in Pakistan. Once he was considered the most influential being close to powerful circles.

Justice (R) Javed Iqbal’s moral credibility exposed some time ago when , according to a leaded video tap. he allured a complainant women in NAB office in Islamabad  and sought her indulgence in immoral activities to get favour in her under investigation  case. The leaked video created uproar in the society and local media, but being NAB chief Javed Iqbal used his influence and managed to protect his position. Not only this he also continued to carry on as head of Missing Persons Commission.

After hiatus of a few months, the lady complainant sparked fire again when Javed Iqbal left his office as NAB chairman. She narrated a horrible story of being blackmailed by former chairman NAB in his office for sex purpose. She also leveled serious allegations against former prime minister, Imran Khan, and claimed that she was summoned to prime minister house when ousted prime minister, Imran Khan, got clue of her sexual harassment by  former NAB chairman. She also disclosed that during her one and half months stay at prime minister house , she provided those videos taps to PTI top leader  of her sexual harassment at NAB office which were never seen by any one before.

According to the lady complainant , since taps related to her sexual harassment by former NAB chairman were like a bombshell , the PTI chairman and ousted prime minister used this filthy stuff to blackmail Javed Iqbal to settle the cases of PTI leaders like Pervez Khattak, Amir Kayani and many others who were involved in bungling of billions. Sine Imran Khan’s strategy had worked , NAB settled all references filed against PTI leaders and at the same time started to fix up political opponents of Imran Khan.

Javed Iqbal had become a tool for PTI and its leadership used it to its maximum length. In fact, Javed Iqbal was taking advice directly from  prime minister house to screw up political opponents of PTI to avoid action against him in sex scandal  .

Even after four years in NAB office as its chief ,Javed Iqbal might have continued for the post as he was a golden tool for PTI to fix up everyone whom it wanted to screw through NAB, but change of regime dashed his this hope and despite his best efforts to convey to the sitting government that he was a loyal servant and can be an obedient to it also he was shown the door from NAB office some two months ago.

Javed Iqbal’s first known sex scandal was yet to perish when a very honourable lady and wife of a missing person, Amina Janjua , got in his trap. The lady approached to Javed Iqbal as chairman Missing Persons Commission to plead the case of her husband when crooked and morally corrupt Javed Iqbal threw his net on this lady too. His tap of having immoral conversation with  Amina Janjua exposed how cheap former judge was. According to the leaked conversation , immoral and otherwise corrupt , Javed Iqbal tells Amina Janjua that since she a pretty woman she does not need a husband. This level of immorality is enough to take action against this former judge .

Keeping in view the nature of the issue and sensitivity involved in it, prime minister , Shahbaz Sharif, has sacked Javed Iqbal as chairman of Missing Persons Commission with immediate effect.

In a related development , Javed  Iqbal has refused to appear before the Public Account Committee to give his account on the sex harassment case. PAC chairman , Noor Alam Khan, had summoned Javed Iqbal to give his statement before the committee on July 7, 2022.

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