Prominent cleric Maulana Abdul Razak Sikander passes away

THATHA: Prominent religious scholar and president Wafaq ul Madaras Al Arabia Pakistan, Maulana , Abdul Razak Sikander, breathed his last on Wednesday in Karachi. He was 86.

Shaikhul Hadis Maulana, Abdul Razak Sikander, hailed from a small town..Kogal.. of Abbotabad district. He spent over five decades of his life in teaching of Quran and Sunna in Karachi. He studied Hadis and Fiqa from Islamia Madina University . Later , he got doctrorate degree from Al Azhar University in 1976.

Maulana Abdul Razak Sikander had very prominent position among religious scholars of Pakistan and he always promoted the culture of peace, brotherhood and tolarence in his teachings. His students do follow his teachings to present true face of Islam and its teachings to the world.

Pakistan’s top political and religious personalities expressed deep sorrow and grief over demice of Maulana Abdul Razak Sikander and called it a great loss to Pakistan and its religious circles.

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