PTI Demonstrates Against Qazi Faez Isa Outside London’s Middle Temple

PTI Demonstrates Against Qazi Faez Isa Outside London’s Middle Temple

LONDON, October 30, 2024: Former Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa faced a large crowd of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) protesters outside the Middle Temple in London on Tuesday night.

The protest, organized by PTI supporters, took place at Chancery Lane while Isa attended a prestigious event at the historic legal institution, following his resignation as the country’s top judge.

The demonstration was led by former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s ex-special assistant Sayed Zulfi Bukhari and former Member of National Assembly Maleeka Bokhari.

They condemned The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple for honoring Isa as a Callee and hosting him at the dinner.

A substantial police presence ensured the safety of the venue as protesters held placards and shouted slogans against the former chief justice. Bukhari, addressing the crowd, reiterated the party’s claims that Isa had targeted the PTI.

British lawyer Barrister Mark McDonald also joined the protest, criticizing the Middle Temple for inviting Isa and asserting that such an invitation should not happen again.

The Middle Temple is one of four prestigious Inns of Court in London, responsible for training law students and granting licenses for entry into the legal profession.

Isa made history as the first Pakistani judge elected as a bencher and invited to this esteemed institution, where he also studied law, following in the footsteps of his father, who is also an alumnus.

LondonMiddle TempleProtestPTIQazi Faez Isa
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