Punjab Wildlife arrests five involved in illegal hunting in Cholistan

Rahimyar khan : June 25,2024 : On the direction of Director General , Punjab Wildlife authorities took action against five hunters involved in illegal hunting of dears in restricted area of Cholistan in district Rahimyar Khan . According to the details , Wildlife officials received information on Tuesday at around 11 AM about entry of illegal hunters in the restricted Cholistan area of district Rahimyar Khan . The concerned Wildlife officials deputed special teams to trace out illegal hunters in the restricted area of Cholistan and take action against thwm . At around 12.30 PM , the Wildlife teams reported presence of illegal hunters at Track 12 near Demanning Chowk and they intercepted a vehicle of the illegal hunters . The Wildlife teams registered a case against five illegal hunters under Punjab Wildlife Act 1974 (Amended 2007) and Punjab Protected Areas Act 2020 and arrested five influential illegal hunters . Those who have been arrested on the charge of illegal hunting in the restricted area of Cholistan included Saeedullah Niazi , Dr Mohammad Anwar , Zulfiqar Ali, Pir Bux and Mohammad Hasan . The Wildlife authorities also recovered four slaughtered Chankaras from the accused and the vehicle used for illegal hunting was also taken into custody. Saeedullah Niazi is an influential landlord of the area whereas accused Pir Bux is an ex employee of Abu Dhabi Palace who was expelled from the palace for his illegal hunting in the past. The action against powerful people of the area for illegal hunting is a historic step of the Punjab Wildlife.

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