*Sad News* !!

It is with heavy heart, I share the sad news of my Uncle Khan Aziz Sarfaraz Khan, passing away peacefully. He was father of my cousin Abbas Sarfaraz Khan, the former Federal Minister and another gem in the family after late Mir Afzal Khan, who kept his hands clean, while in politics .

This profile picture of Uncle Aziz copied from his personal cell phone describes him well as a kind human being next to his grandchild, both all smiles, as if, of the same age group then separated by the generation gap. Khan Aziz Sarfaraz Khan, was the great great grandson of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan, the kind of Afghanistan and founder of the Muhammad Zai Dynasty that culminated with the last king of Afghanistan late Zahir Shah.

It was only when my other Switzerland based late cousin Mir Zia Ul Haq, visited Pakistan in early 2000s, who happened to be Uncle Aziz’s batch mate at Achison College in Lahore that I found out that the good looking Uncle Aziz was blessed with equally beautiful voice and would once sing for his fellow students at the college till disapproved by his elder brother, Mir Afzal Khan, as something offensive to the conservative Pukhtun society, being himself a blue blooded Pukhtun of royal origin.

Uncle Aziz, by nature was extremely soft spoken and kind human being, who remained a loyal brother to his late siblings, Late Aunty Zari Sarfaraz and Late Mir Afzal Khan( the former Chief Minister NWFP) , a caring husband to Begum Laila Haroon Sarfaraz , passionate father to Abbas Sarfaraz Khan , Zarmina Khan, Late Zarah Khan, Najida Khan and affectionate grandfather to all his grandchildren .

I would never forget his personal kindness to me to have continued with the family traditions of ensuring to send me religiously their annual give away of the organic nuts filled jaggery every winter from Mardan till the very last winter of his life.

To me it is a personal loss having lost someone, who was the very last having grown up amongst the family and was caring enough to have carried its fond memories in his heart till his last breath . I was lucky to have been in contact with him and his absence will be greatly missed both by his immediate family and the people who knew him as a soft spoken, kind and affectionate human being, who kept away from politics to serve his family and humanity on the quiet .Beloved uncle, you would be always missed till we reunite hereafter to be greeted by your usual soft smile . Rest in Peace.

His Namaza Janaza will be held tomorrow 5th September 2022, at 3 pm at their ancestral hujra of Khan Bahadur Sarfaraz Khan at on at Mardan Khas and he would be laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard .

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  • saadia

    Ina lilah WA Ina elaihy rajion.kindly send Abbas sb contect number??