Smart lockdown; Pakistan even get smarter to contain COVID- 19

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is quickly heading towards final recovery from COVID 19 virus. The data of active corona cases, as per National Command and Control Centre (NCCOC), shows encouraging results for Pakistan. The data reflects below one percent of infection rate in Pakistan during the last one week of the current month. This rate was around 2 percent till end of June and international institutions like Royal College London were apprehending major increase in corona patents in Pakistan in July. Pakistani concerned authorizes were also worried about the situation and working on war- footing basis to contain the virus. Dr Zafar Mirza, prime minister’s advisor on health, gave credit of major reduction in corona patents to the prime minister, Imran Khan’s vision of introducing smart lockdown in those areas of the country where virus showed spike. He told a private TV channel on July 26 that the government policy of smart lockdown proved all claims of international institutions including Royal College London wrong of major spike in virus infection in Pakistan in July.
Pakistan’s recovery rate is also tremendous. The NCCOC data shows recovery of over 237000 patents from corona out of total active cases of 274000. The government officials are hopeful of further reduction in virus infection by mid September. On the basis of these calculations, the government is seriously considering to open up different areas for tourists besides permitting resumption of educational activities at schools.

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