Tareen worst case of victimisation, character assassination

ISLAMABAD: Jahangir Tareen, once the most credible and vibrant name among Pakistan Tehreek – e – Insaf (PTI) ranks, is now facing the worst kind of discrimination and character assassination. The entire state machinery is after him and his family for fixing it in a number of cases . For example, JWD, a sugar mill owned by Jahangir Tareen , is main target of the PTI government for hurting Jahangir Tareen’s financial interests. Ali Tareen , a young educated politicial entrant too, is facing the axe of victimisation being a son of Jahangir Tareen. Otherwise, he would not have gone through different cases made on Tareen family by PTI government purely on the basis of victimisation..

NEWSMAN has an undeniable written proof that the cases made against JWD were nothing, but discriminatory and made for character assassination of Jahangir Tareen family

The official documents available with NEWSMAN show that 30 out of 80 sugar mills currently operating in the country were involved in huge tax evasion and getting sales amounts from the sugar buyers amounting to billions of rupee in fake accounts, but none of the owners of these 30 rouge mills was dragged to the court for ‘accountability’ .

According to investigation made by this scribe, JWD owned by Jahangir Tareen is comparatively better in its working. It is known for better and in time paymens to the cane growers. It produces more sugar and plays a key role in sugar production to meet local consumption being a modern mill having better recovery rate than other sugar units in Pakistan.

These facts were confirmed by the official data available with all official departments like cane commissioner office Punjab, sugar board, Food Security ministry etc .

These facts contradict the statements of Shahzad Akbar, prime minister’s special advisor, wherein he recently claimed that Tareen sahib’s cases were being treated on merit.

Shahzad Akbar knows the art of pleasing his master by issuing statements like one he issued in Tareen’s case.

Had the PTI government seriousness in investigating the affairs of sugar industry, it would have taken harsh action against those 30 mills involved in tax evasion of hundred of billions of rupee.

The action against Tareen only is self -explanatory . It shows Tareen was being targetted by PTI government for some mysterious reasons.

NEWSMAN has full list of the rouge sugar mills and it can be produced for reference to any forum including the court of law.

This scribe is disclosing one name of Fatima Sugar Mills for reference . Its allegedly a leading tax evador sugar mill as the official document shows a figure of Rs more than 26 billion that its management evaded in taxes in the last three years.

Can Shahzad Akbar tell the nation as to why no action has been taken against the owner of Fatima Sugar Mills for this national crime?.

An Federal Investigation Authority (FIA) official privy to the nature of cases made against Mr Tareen spoke to this scribe on the issue in debate on the condition of anonymity.

He divulged that the cases against Tareen and his family were made on purely political basis.

“Actually the cases against him (Tareen) were made on political consideration to give him a lesson for his contacts with some political parties”, the official claimed.

Tareen’s opposition in PTI is a long story. It goes back to those days when Naeemul Haq, a close man of Imran Khan, was alive.

A PTI insider told NEWSMAN in a background interview that Tareen sahib and deceased Naeemul Haq never had good relationship.

“I can recall that Mr Tareen and Naeemul Haq never had nornal relationship since former’s inclusion in PTI in 2007, and the same saga continued even after the demice of Naeemul Haq”, the PTI insider asserted.

According to the insider, a powerful lobby has managed to bring relationship of Imran Khan and Mr Tareen at a stage where friends turn foes and powerful goes to maximum to dent the other.

The prime minuster’s repeated denial for meeting with a PTI group having support for Tareen endorses the insider’s arguments.

Its time to tell where IK, Tareen differences will lead, but onething is for sure the lobby behind this fight is not working in the interest of PTI and Imran Khan.

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