TIP expressses concern over new changes in NAB law

KARACHI: On recent development of negotiations on the amendments in NAO 1999, Chairman TI Pakistan Sohail Muzaffar has expressed TI Pakistan’s concerns , that changes in NAO 1999 are welcome for transparent accountability, but are to be made carefully with respect to Pakistan government ‘s commitments on Anti Corruption in UNCAC, FATF, OECD Convention and Sustainable Development Goals. In his statement, Sohail Muzaffar stated that under the leadership of Chairman Justice R Javed Iqbal, NAB, anticorruption drive in last 34 months has resulted in an impact much needed since its inception, and NAB has so far made recovery of Rs 466 Billion which is a remarkable achievement. Chairman TI Pakistan said that Pakistan has ratified the United Nations Convention against corruption UNCAC on 9th August 2007. And the President of Pakistan under Article 6 of UNCAC, has nominated National Accountability Bureau as the authority which will develop and implement of Pakistan specific anti-corruption measures in the country and cooperate at international level. Under UNCAC Article 5 Pakistan has committed for the preventive anti-corruption policies and practices. NAB since its inception despite its weaknesses, has played a very positive roles in curbing corruption, said Sohail Muzaffar and TI Corruption Perception Index of Pakistan is regularly improved. In 1999 Pakistan CPI Score was 22/100, the rank 87 out of 99 countries, and in 2019 Pakistan has achieved CPI Score of 32/100, and the rank 120 out of 180 countries. Chairman Sohail Muzaffar said Transparency International has also evaluated NAB performance in 2016, and compared to 27 South Asian ACA, NAB performance indicators are in at par or better to other regional agencies. And in Pakistan, compared anti-corruption organizations like Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Provincial Anti-Corruption Departments, NAB is perceived to be more effective.

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