Who is blocking use of QR- based Track & Trace System in FBR?

PPWSMA chief Iskander A Khan writes his years long tale to reminds FBR chief Mr Langerial that implementation of QR Code based Track and Trace System is only solution to tax evasion
Who is blocking use of QR- based Track & Trace System in FBR?

ISLAMABAD: October 9, 2025: Pakistan Polypropylene Woven Sack Manufacturers Association (PPWSMA) has highlighted loopholes in existing Track and Trace System and demanded of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to put in place a QR- Code-based Trace and Trace System to plug in tax evasion being done by polypropylene and other major industries of Pakistan. PPWSMA chief, Iskander A .Khan, has been highlighting loopholes in Trace and Trace System for years. He had proposed to bring sugar, polypropylene, cement, textile and other all major industrial sectors in internationally practiced Trace and Trace having QR Code to trace their production against real time. Implementation of Iskander A. Khan’s real Track and Trace System idea could be a game changer as it could eliminate tax evasion in major industrial sectors of Pakistan and add minimum Rs 1 trillion in tax collection annually. The same Track and Trace System based on QR Code could be extended to all small and medium industries at a later stage o get the idea of their real production.

FBR’s crooked mafia, instead of implementing Iskander A. Khan’s real Track and Trace System based on printed QR Code , connived with an Islamabad- based company to introduce Track and Trace System with a sticker which automatically deletes from produced during production process due to heat that comes in with industrial production.
By introducing a sticker- based Track and Trace System, FBR intention blocked a proposal of putting in international acknowledged Track and Trace System having printed QR Code on each produced bag to monitor real production of all major industrial sectors of Pakistan. Track and Trace System with QR Code printed on each bag during the production process could grantee end to tax evasion by Pakistan’s major industrial sectors like cement, sugar and dozens others.

Iskander A. Khan in his recent letter addressed to FBR chairman, Rashid Mahmood Langerial , has proposed a set of demands. He demanded FBR chief, who is a go and getter , to immediately put in place Track and Trace System based on QR Code supported with digital invoices and it should be documented as follow.
The polypropylene bags manufacturers should be registered with FBR Track a Trace System and make them mandatory to use bags having printed QR Code supported with digital invoices.

Polypropylene industry is among those large sector industries where tax evasion is rampant. PPWSMA chief is highlighting this tax evasion for decades not years, but corrupt mafia in FBR is using different trick to make sure that Track and Trace System based on QR Code supported with digital invoices does not applies on polypropylene industry.
Iskander A. Khan seems tired of loopholes- based tax system of Pakistan. After long useless effort spanning over long years to get implemented Track and Trace System based on QR Code, he is losing trust in Pakistan’s existing tax machinery. He asks one question frequently from those who come to meet him in office in Islamabad what benefit he or his family can get if FBR uses Track and Trace System bearing QR Code supported with digital invoices and then gives answer himself “Its only in the national interest, but those who on the helm dam care”.
Will anybody in the helm including Rashid Langerial will hear to Iskander A. Khan ?.

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