Youth Forum organises grand Pakistan independence day in Riyadh

Riyadh : The “Youth Forum Riyadh,” representing Pakistani youths in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, organized a grand Independence Day celebration with hundreds of young participants.

Mian Abdul Hamid of Majlis e Pakistan delivered a keynote address, highlighting Pakistan’s historical journey. He emphasized that the creation of Pakistan in 1947 was a significant and tumultuous event, following nearly 200 years of suffering for Muslims in the subcontinent. He referenced pivotal battles such as the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and the Great Rebellion of 1857, which marked crucial points in the colonial control of the Indian subcontinent.

Mian Abdul Hamid detailed the religious, cultural, and political hardships faced by Muslims, leading to the Pakistan Movement in 1940. This movement aimed to establish a separate homeland where Muslims could live without fear of persecution and practice their religion freely. He noted the immense sacrifices made during the partition of British India, resulting in the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

He stressed that these sacrifices still call for unity, faith, discipline, and the implementation of Islamic values. He highlighted the importance of youth engagement in building a bright future for Pakistan by utilizing their skills.

Leaders of the Youth Forum, including Saqib Zubair and Riaz Shakir, emphasized that young people are the assets of any nation and possess qualities that can contribute to their country’s prosperity. They urged the youths to contribute to Pakistan’s development and prosperity, appreciating their talents and efforts.

Ibrahim Jutt, President Youth Forum Riyadh, encouraged youths to actively participate in the forum’s mission to awaken national and patriotic consciousness among Pakistani youths, fulfilling the mission for which Pakistan was created.

The celebration also featured an inspiring speech and poetry by renowned poet, writer, and journalist Waqar Naseem Wamiq. A cake-cutting ceremony marked the occasion of Independence Day.

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