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Killing move: caretakers increase petrol by Rs 14.91 , HSD Rs 19.50 per litre

New increase in petroleum product prices enough to make people lives like living hell

ISLAMABAD: In a killing move , the caretaker junta led by prime minister , Anwaarul Haq Kakar, has increased petroleum product prices for next fortnight beyond even thinking of the people of Pakistan .

According to the official handout issued by the Finance Division on Thursday, the petrol price has been increased by Rs 14.91 a liter to take its rates for the commuters to Rs 305.36 per litre from its last price of Rs 290.45 per litre. High Speed diesel (HSD) rates have been increased by Rs 18.44 a litre. New rates of HSD have been fixed at Rs 311.84 a litre. HSD last rates were Rs 293.40 a litre.

Likewise , kerosine rates have been revised upward by Rs 22 a litre. Kerosine new rates are Rs 186.07 a litre. Its last price per litre was Rs 164.07 a litre. Light speed diesel rates have been increased by Rs 27 a litre and its new price for the commuters has been fixed at Rs 174.08 per litre.

This increase in petroleum product prices is enough to make the people lives even more miserable . The Finance Division has cited the increase in petroleum product prices in the international market as a cause of such a horrifying increase in their rates at home, but the question arises as if the people of Pakistan can afford such a killing increase in the rates of the petroleum product prices ? This increase in petroleum product prices have come in a situation when a vast majority of the people of Pakistan is on the streets to protest unbearable increase in the electricity prices. The new huge increase in the rates of petroleum product prices will open up a new flood of price-hike to make the people ‘s lives like a living hell in coming days.

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