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Your use of our Website, Blog or Services does not constitute any right or license for you to use our service marks or trademarks, without the prior written permission of [www.newsman.pk]. Our Content, as found within our Website, Blog and Services, is protected under the United States & (Pakistan) foreign copyrights. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any such Content, is strictly prohibited. Your use of our Website and Services does not grant you any ownership rights to our Content.

External Links & External Content Policy


This Guidance Note is designed to help you select and manage suitable external links to other sites from Newsman.pk. It is also designed to help you select and manage suitable inbound feeds and other online sources of third-party content for publication on Newsman.pk.

For advice on distribution, including syndication, see Editorial Guidelines Section 16 External Relationships and Financing: Distribution.


The Newsman.pk reputation is based on its editorial integrity and independence.  Our audiences need to be confident that our decisions are influenced neither by political or commercial pressures nor by any personal interests. We must not undermine these values by any actions which could bring the Newsman.pk into disrepute.

Links to external sites

Whenever producers are creating content on a Newsman.pk site, they should actively consider which external websites it may be editorially justifiable to link to.

Editorial justification for linking to external sites

Producers may wish to offer links to external sites for a number of reasons, including:

  • for further relevant information
  • for further background information or other key source material
  • for useful practical information
  • for further informed comment

A link must never be included on the public service site or within the editorial content of a commercial site in return for cash, services or any other consideration in kind.

Links are not acceptable as a form of credit.


Where we publish a list of links we should add the standard disclaimer to the effect that “the Newsman.pk is not responsible for the contents of any other sites listed”. If the links are too controversial or challenging material, it may be appropriate to add a specific disclaimer and more information, closer to the links,  even when there are only one or two links on a page. For “in the story” links to such material, for example to very sensitive content such as a gruelling account of torture, it may be helpful to alert the user to this, in context, as part of telling the story. 

Links to sites that do not share Newsman.pk editorial values

Context is important in deciding whether a link is appropriate and it is often useful to explain why we are offering the link. In some cases, we may offer a link to a site that does not share our editorial values, but which offers a useful insight. For example, we might link from a current affairs page to the site of a government-run national news agency so that the user can see the precise words used in a government statement.

Controversial content

We must be duly impartial. Newsman.pk sites that cover a controversial or public policy matter may offer links to external sites which, taken together, represent a reasonable range of views about the subject. We should ensure that when we link to third-party sites that we take into account any concerns about potential breaches of the law, for example, defamation or incitement to racial hatred.

Where content is likely to cause serious offence to some users and yet there is a strong editorial justification for covering the story, it may be editorially justifiable for the Newsman.pk to link to the relevant site rather than to host the content ourselves.


Links to charity sites have to be based on sensible editorial criteria. If one charity is in the news, it may be appropriate to establish a link to the site of that charity. But we must take care not to promote one charity above another. If we are giving advice or general information about the subject and wish to refer to a charity and there is a range of charities working in the field, we should normally link to the other significant charities working in the field as well. This guidance applies to online links offered by Newsman.pk.


Where we take in content from an external supplier, we should be transparent about it with our users. Attribution should be as close as possible to the content in question.

We should provide a clear and easy route for our users to report a mistake or find offensive or inappropriate content on a feed.


Embedded video, for example of a social networking site video players such as YouTube or Vimeo on a Newsman.pk page, may be a useful way to display editorially relevant to non- Newsman.pk content.

Even though the content is not under our control it appears to the audience that it is part of our online content. We should therefore make it clear that the embedded video is from a third-party site and give the audience a direct route to report to the relevant editorial team any inappropriate content, such as advertising, that might appear on that video.

Last updated April 2021