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Worker remittances inflows set new record , reach $ 27.1 billion during July- May

May adds $ 3.2 billion to workers remittances

Karachi : June 7,2024: A press release issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Friday on workers’ remittances sent to Pakistan in May 2024 said
the workers’ remittances recorded an inflow of US$3.2 billion during May 24.
. It added that remittances In terms of growth increased by 15.3 percent on m/m basis and
by 54.2 percent on y/y basis.
According to the SNP cumulatively, with inflow of US$ 27.1 billion workers’ remittances increased by 7.7 percent
during the first eleven months of FY24 compared to the same period last year.
The remittances inflows during May 24 were mainly sourced from Saudi Arabia (US$819.3 million),
United Arab Emirates (US$668.5 million), United Kingdom (US$473.2 million) and United States
of America (US$359.5 million.

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