Daily Newsman
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* Red Line *!!

Ridiculously, what we say we do not practise.-hypocrisy at its worst. Two terms we hear in our everyday life too often :”Red Line” and “on the same page”, both sadly lack from our political landscape.

I have been part of the anti – Insurgency campaign as a young man trying to restore peace on the the streets of Karachi. Then I believed, we were saving the country when the country needed not us to be saved on the streets but from those sitting away taking political decisions in their arms chair. The issue was political then and even now .

People of this country wants to be recognised as humans and their voices heard and their grievances addressed, while the government push down their throats whatever it believes to be right without giving them the right to throw it out through protest and feel light then let them live with heavy hearts and still raise slogans in favour of the political dispensation to prove their patriotic credentials and being absolved to be labeled as terrorists and tried in the court made for terrorists – can there be a bigger joke, yet we want the world to trust us about our sincere intentions to fight terrorism when we keep creating them everyday . What a naivety rather outright stupidity of those who sadly manage the affairs of the country.

Nothing then was more painful barging in the middle of night into ordinary citizens’ homes looking for terrorists when the terror we struck into the hearts of our own Pakistani sisters, mothers and children was unimaginable instilling unforgettable fears into their hearts for which as a society our heads must hang in shame than rise with pride . When my friend Ghazi Abdul Salam Burki informed me in the wee hours about a similar situation that involved his sister and children in Islamabad sent me into deep shock as I worried more for the children, who were the worst victims unable to forget this emotional trauma for being treated as terrorists and singled out in the ongoing the political witch hunt when they had nothing to do with it being only concerned with their studies and future.

Do we have slightest idea of the repercussions for such irresponsible state conduct?. As we try to train a new cadre of political terrorists when we still are not done to deal with the old that the government of the past created through its flawed state policies – TTP and BLA being just two of the long list manufactured in the state own factory.

This targeted campaign has been used to not only silence voices of resistance but to pressure political leaders into submission, forcing them to comply with the establishment’s agenda. This systemic harassment of women activists reflects a larger pattern of political suppression in Pakistan, one that threatens the very fabric of democratic discourse in the country. This flawed strategy did more damage to the country than any good.

Historically, women in the region have played a critical role whether Malalai of Maiwand, who fell in the battle ground who upheld the standard of freedom till her last breath, next to her countrymen and to my immediate ancestor Ghazi Sardar Ayub Khan , who battled the imperial British. Even today every mother, sister and housewife uphold these values in every Pakistani household standing by and for their families. It is shameful that we fail to protect the sanctity of our mothers and sisters on our own motherland trying to kill their family protective instincts for political reasons, while champion their cause Internationally, as if the world do not know our real face. I urge those in the helm of affairs not to stoop too low by getting women involved to break the political will of the people who have legitimate right to protest that the constitution of the country guarantees them.

I demand immediate release of all political women detainees including my friend’s sister and Imran own two sisters, as I wonder how women trying to protect their fathers, brothers or sons be persecuted so viciously. We are crossing our own religious and moral red line of involving women and children into our personal wars which is despicable and condemnable in every society.Long Live Pakistan Ruled By Cowards Hiding Behind Containers On The Roads 🇵🇰

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