ISLAMABAD: With new hike of Rs 5.40 , petrol price has gone up to Rs 118.19 per liter , historic high in Pakistan Tehreek- e -Insaf (PTI) rule.
Likewise, diesel price per liter was increased by Rs 2.54 to take its price to new high.
A formal notification of the new petroleum products prices was issued on Thursday. The new prices will come into effect from mid night on July 16, 2021 for a fortnight.
The new price-hike will have terrible spiral affect on everything ranging from edible to utilities.
The people from all groups including public servants , low income group , daily wagers who are already moaning under huge pressure of price-hike will have to go now through another terrible spell of price-hike.
PTI has made the people lives miserable in the last three years. The people are forced to pay higher prices of everything of their use. Likewise, the people are compelled to pay almost double utility bills during the last three years
Interestingly, none from PTI government is ready to conceed that the people are facing unbearable pressure due to unparalell price-hike during the current rule.
Rather , the government side, in particular, political aides to PM and spokesperson of the government are issuing highly irresponsible statements .
The statements of Defence minister, Pervez Khattak, who in his statement recently said the pricehike is a blessing. One can refer Shahbaz Gul’s , special advisor to the prime minister, who on Thursday congratulated the nation in a tweet on the new increase in the oil prices.
He reminded to the people that Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had recomnended over Rs 11 in petrol prices, but their beloved prime minister gave approval of Rs 5.40 per liter only.
These statements of close aides to PM are enough to make the people feel how callous the elected government of PTI is when it comes to deal with issues linked with daily life of the people.