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PTI issues show cause notice to Noor Alam

ISLAMABAD: The ruling Pakistan Tehreek e insaf (PTI) on Tuesday issued a show cause notice to Noor Alam Khan , member national assembly, for assailing his government on the floor of the house.
Pervez Khattak, the PTI president Khyber Pukhtunkhaw (KPK) and Defence minister, issued the show cause notice to Noor Alam Khan on Tuesday.
Noor Alam Khan has been asked to explain his position on his harsh statement given in the national assembly on Friday last in a week, questioning loyality of top leadership of PTI government.
Noor Alam Khan , a PTI leader and MNA from KPK, had demanded to put names of all those sitting in front three rows in the parliament on the exit control list (ECL) to save Pakistan from complete collapse.
Poiting towards front rows of treasury benches in the parliament, Noor Alam Khan, had said “These three first rows were responsible of catastrophic situation in Pakistan”. Noor Alam Khan seems dissatisfied over PTI government’s performance during the last around four years. His some statements in the past had also offended to the PTI leadership which is more interested in listening to those who praise prime minister , Imran Khan, for his ‘achievements’.

Noor Alam is convinced that it was his duty to point out weaknesses of his government for correction. After PTI decision to issue show cause notice, Noor Alam Khan in his tweet had said ‘ I stand by my statement given on the floor of the house as Pakiatan comes first for me and politics after that”.

When contacted for comments, Noor Alam Khan told NEWSMAN and Daily DANISHWAR that he was suffering from corona and would talk on show cause issue after recovering from it.

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