Daily Newsman
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Democracy !

PPP prides itself to be the most popular democratic party with socialist inclination till its founder was hanged leaving behind a legacy that sadly has evolved into the Public Private Partnership in real sense of words, where five years contract are granted to the electables turning them into untouchables who are supposed to make laws pride break it to prove they are above the law.

Democratic politics has become the most lucrative profession where those elected engage in self – service then serving the country in whose name and for whose service they take people for the ride.

It is a sight to see all these so – called democratic leaders and their workers, engaged to buy out loyalties of parliamentarians making them a sellable commodities available for sale to the highest bidders.

It is sad that now politicians and their workers are gearing up to take to the streets to conquer their own country to rule by hook and crook . A pack of hyenas are out devouring carcass of the country where each jaw vying for larger chunk. Do we need any foreign enemies when we sell both our conscience and votes then stand as one nation to reclaim our long usurped freedom. One can clearly see the only casualty that is inevitable to take place in the on – going political unrest is democracy itself by the very people who champion it and Rule and Rob the nation under its cover.

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