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J 10 flies in Pakistan’s airspace today

Chinese FM joins Pakistan Day parade as chief guest

ISLAMABAD : J 10 ,. a new and powerful China- make airplane with roar in Pakistan’s air space with its other fighter jets on the occasion of Pakistan Day.
Pakistan is celebrating its 78 th national day on March 23, 2022 (today). As J 10 will create waves in Pakistan’s airspace to highlight Pakistan”s significance to modernise its defence arsenal , Chinese Foreign minister , who is in Islamabad now to attend Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) foreign ministers conference held on March 22, 2022 will stand on dias with Pakistani leadership to celebrate entry of J 10 into Pakistan’s airapace. Pakistan has extended invitation to Chinese Foreign minister to join Pakistan Day parade as a chief guest of the event to give a loud and clear message to the world that China is its iron brother and trusted friend and Pakistan’s defence was impregnable and it was continuously modernising its all three forces Navy, Air Force and Military to cope with any upcoming challenges being put to it by its enemies . Pakistan is adding modern airplanes to its Air Force and modernising its Navy with submarines and other weapons . Its also meeting all demands of the ground force …military..to help it fight out monstrous war on terror launched against it by next door enemy and at the same time to give befitting response to New Delhi for its any future eventuality.
With addition of J 10 in its Air Force, Pakistan has a clear edge to India’s Raffle airplanes . J 10 is for superior in its operation and quality vis a via India’s Raffle airplanes . India had purchased Raffle airplanes from France in recent past after humiliating defeat at the hands of Pakistan in 2020 in a dog fight when it conducted a false operation in northern part of Pakistan. Indian government is facing corruption charges in Raffle fighter jets deal .
Pakistan has been provided J 10 airplanes to counter India’s Raffle and its price is much less than Raffle’s deal price but J 10 is for superior to Raffle in performance .

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