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‘And budget 2021-22 stands passed’; NA speaker rules

ISLAMABAD; The National Assembly on Tuesday passed finance bill 2021-22 with majority vote amid absence of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) majority of parliamentarians including leader of the opposition , Shahbaz Sharif.

National Assembly Speaker , Asad Qaiser, announced after clause by clause reading of the finance bill that the budget 2021-22 stands passed as majority have voted in favour of the bill.

The NA speaker had sought voting on finance bill 2021-22 after its clause by clause reading.

Earlier, the House had adopted a number of cut motions moved by the treasury and opposition members.

The PMLN tricky absence from the House paved way for easy passing of the finance bill 2021-22.
PMLN chief and Opposition leader, Shahbaz Sharif, and around 30 other PMLN MNAs were absent from the House during voting on finance bill 2021-22.

Mysterious absence of PMLN members from the House when it was scheduled to pass the finance bill 2021-22 made it easy for the government to get the budget 2021-22 passed.

PPP chairman, Balawal Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari were among those opposition members who offered some resistance to block sailing through of the budget from the House ;but it remained a fragile effort to show enough resistance for opposing approval of the budget from the National Assembly..

Balawl Bhutto strongly protested over the government planning to get the budget passed without presenting it for counting in the House.

PPP chairman claimed that the budget 2021-22 was passed by the House illegally.

Balawal Bhutto said PPP was left with no other option now, but to go to the masses for fresh mandate to get rid of incompetent government of Imran Khan.

Maryam Aurangzeb, PMLN spokesperson, spokes in the National Assembly on the finance bill 2021-22. She said the opposition managed to get approved 15 of 35 cut motions which was unprecedented.

Furrukh Habib, State minister for Information, in his reaction to Balawal Bhutto’s statement on budget said PPP chairman has shown a fake concern on approval of the budget 2021-22 from the National Assembly. Furrukh Habib claimed it was Sindh not the National Assembly that approved the budget 2021-22 illegally.

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