Daily Newsman
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*Quadrillion* !!

Americans, as a nation, deserve to be the world's leaders not only because of their vastness or resources but also because of their diversity and dedication. There may be many unsung heroes because our media is focused on harping the…

* Needy vs. Greedy * !!

There exists hope when hopelessness overtakes the nation going to the polls today amid fear, uncertainty, and despair, more due to the anticipated outcome of the elections being a bitter fight between the king's party versus the people's…

*Humanity first*!!

My memory takes me back to childhood when a Sikh physician, Mohan Singh, at Pir Baba, now in District Bunair Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province , saved my life. During a picnic in the scenic valley of Chamla, I contracted dysentery and was…

” Big Gun ” !!

The below-copied concerned citizen's anonymous post was forwarded to me by my dear former colleague at Dawn, Mr. Fahad Lughmani. I had no way to confirm the content and its context unless I reached out to Honourable Zahid Motiwala, a…