Daily Newsman
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APFDA welcomes direct subsidy to farmers

All Pakistan Fertilizer Dealers Association (APFDA) welcomed government plans for direct subsidy mechanism to the farmers community. APFDA believes that it will ease farmers difficulties and promote progress in the fertilizer industry because we believe farmers deserve its benefits. The biggest advantage will be ending government interventions or their specific footprints within businesses, helping eradicate corruption, according to the association. They also anticipate that with business growth, the end of subsidies in the fertilizer industry, which are a burden on the economy, will lead to further improvements. Aligning with farmers’ demands and supplies, the project aims to minimize government involvement and liberate the business so it can operate according to its needs, allowing farmers to access it more competitively. We also understand that inter-business competition generates healthy market dynamics, benefiting its ultimate consumers. Any policy, from fertilizer manufacturers to distribution agents, that fosters competition will benefit farmers, allowing them to make choices according to their preferences and Government support should also align with business support. We believe that there should be mechanisms to address concerns related to fertilizer subsidies, incorporating an automated system that ensures direct payments to farmers, thus minimizing corruption opportunities. Our request also includes eliminating all consequences and loopholes associated with the subsidy mechanism.

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