Daily Newsman
This is Daily Newsman biography

‘*Celebrating independence* !

As the country ages so its nation. This picture has Honourable Jehangir Khan Sherpao, a renowned town planner with his fellow Rotarians planting fruit trees of Peaches, Plums and Apricot at the Jacaranda Park in Islamabad, the fruit of which when grown will some be picked someday by someone else, this true selfless spirit to gift the future generations with fruits of someone’s else labour and the very thought of it, is what builds people into a nation .

With it, I must acknowledge the Internationally acclaimed Pakistani producer Honourable Habib Parcha’s stunning cinematographic tribute with outstanding background music, both to the country and the nation, while ago shared with me .

Not to mention the diplomatic community joining the chorus of singing the national anthem is a touching gesture that we Pakistanis whole heartidly acknowledge and feel indebted to our foreign diplomatic missions stationed in Pakistan . It is these small gestures that helps heal the nation’s deep wounds of economic sufferings due to the international war on terror and their front line role that caused them more loss then gain won them more foes then friends .

Not to mention the Ministry of Foreign Affairs brilliant staff under their dynamic young Foreign Minister Honourable Bilawal Zardari would be unfair , for their national song sung in praise of the country, reaffirming their collective commitment to enhance diplomacy to the new heights.

Least but not last, the hard working staff at the ISPR, who worked day and night to ensure the armed forces operational and humanitarian activities are shared with the nation. Nevertheless, their burning midnight oil to reproduce the national anthem preserving its sanctity was indeed an uphill task for which they consulted professionals like my senior friend, Honorable Arshad Mehmood, an ace music Director, who is a national asset, deserve all my humble tribute . Long Live Pakistan And Those Who Truly Love And Own Pakistan and Pakistanis.

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