THATHA; She was a common girl who like others loves her parents and dream for her own house and family. But brutal killing of her father, grandfather and real uncle, put her in a decisve phase of her life.
She had two options. One to cry over the tragic killing of her three family elders for a few days elders including father whom she loved the most and then slowly and gradually forget this tragic incident and live the rest of her life in fear of being killed by the killers like her father and two others.
Second, stand- up against dreadful and politically powerful killers of her family elders to challenge their power and influence to get them punished for the crime.
The second option was most difficult and needed inborn valour . It was perhaps more challenging and difficult for a girl in a manshownism society like ours.
But Umme Rubab stood for the second option. She refused to become a coward spicy in the society and decided to confront the killer sardars and landlords who killed her father and two other family elders just to establish their goonism and shownism to make others in the society frightened.
Her decision to stand up against injustice done to family turned her into a symbol of courage and struggle in the society. In two years, she challenged authority and goonsim of the killer Chandio sardars at every level and at every forum.
She fought against social odds in and out the court and made the killers of her family elders realise that they will one day get punished by the court for their sin.
Fighting dreadful beast like Chandios who killed three innocent of the same tribe was not an easy job. It needed courage and patience at maximum.
This over two years struggle against injustice brought her a label of ‘Daughter of Sindh’..
Today, this Daughter of Sindh.. Umme Rubab…is a wave of change and symbol of struggle for oppressed population of Sindh.
Umme Rubab was rightly welcomed by media persons and decorated with Ajraks when she arrivated at Ghambat press conference.
She was recieved at Ghambat press club by president Safdar Sahto.
In welcome remarks, Safdar Sahto said Ummr Rubab is a symbol of struggle against social injustice in the society. He said the media acknowledges great effort of ‘Daughter of Sindh’ and will stand on her side against evil forces like the kilkers of her father and other family elders.
Umme Rubab also met with the family of Robina Ajan, who was brutually killed sometimes back.
She also called on the SSP khairpur , Malik Zafar Iqbal, to listen the cause of slow down of the process of the case.
According to Amin Farooqi, special correspondent , SSP Khairpur, Malik Zafar Iqbal, assured Umme Rubab of takimg the case of Ribina Ajan murder to the logical conclusion.