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Final showcasing event of pro-women media products by journalists, social media influencers

Islamabad, September 3, 2024 – Individual and Pakistan, a research-based consulting firm based in Islamabad, successfully organized the Final Showcasing Event of Pro-Women Media Products by journalists, social media content creators and influencers from Baluchistan, KPK, Punjab and Sindh at the Hillview Hotel in Islamabad on September 3, 2024. The event was a landmark achievement in creating awareness about a myriad of reasons that fuel anti-women propaganda, and how to identify, discourage and stop the vicious cycle that many women are tarpped in.
The event started with the registration of participants, followed by introduction and context setting by Mr. Mushoud Ali, Moderator. He introduced the event, the project and the accomplishments of the 35 top participants who had their media products displayed. The participants included bureau chiefs, editors, sub-editors, assignment editors, journalists and reporters from Islamabad, Quetta, Lahore, Peshawar and Karachi.
Mr. Michael Chadwick, Public Diplomacy Chief, US Consulate in Karachi, interacted with the participants virtually, appreciating the efforts of print, electronic and digital journalists from across the country and highlighting the importance of all forms of journalism in creating awareness about anti-women propaganda.
It was a flagship event for the networking and knowledge sharing of multi-media journalists with a specific emphasis on ethical and investigative journalism themed around gender. The event exclusively focused on underscoring challenges and best practices of executing media product ideas focusing on women’s rights and dismissing anti-women misinformation.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Muhammad Mubeen, Manager at Individualland, provided a comprehensive overview of how to curb anti-women propaganda with the help of media and the role of women journalists in the media, the various challenges they encounter, and the way forward. He emphasized the need for collective efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in society.

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