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Huge fire breaks out in weekly “Itwar” Bazar in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD : July 10, 2024: Fire broke out in weekly Itwar Bazar in H 9 sector of Islamabad in early hours on Wednesday. The fire brigade vehicles rushed to the scene along with their rescue and search units after getting the information about the incident at around 11 AM on Wednesday. Huge fire smoke can be seen gushing out of Itwar bazar in H -9 sector.
Luckily, there was no weekly bazar when the fire broke out in Itwar Bazar and hence there is no fear of loss of human lives in Wednesday’s fire incident , but it might cause huge financial loss to the shopkeepers who use their shops at Itwar Bazar in H-9 as stores.
According to Mr Shabbir , a Fire Brigade officer on duty told NEWSMAN that dozens of fire extinguisher vehicles were engaged in fighting out fire in weekly Itwar Bazar in H-9 sector and the process was still in progress. He said Rawalpindi Fire Brigade is also called in for help to control fire in Itwar Bazar.

“We can not still say how much loss the fire has caused to the shops and other assets in Itwar Bazar as Fire Fighter Units are fighting to put off the fire at the site” , Mr Shabbir said.
Itwar Bazar H-9 has a history of fire incidents. In December 2022 a similar incident had occurred and it turned around 300 shops in the weekly bazar into ashes. Even prior to 2022, fire incidents had taken place and the shopkeepers had suffered huge financial loss. Despite repeated incidents of fire, Itwar Bazar in H-9 remains prune to fire incidents.
Till filing of these reports , fire fighters were busy in extinguishing the fire in Itwar Bazar in H-9 sector in the federal capital Islamabad .

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