ISLAMABAD: Information minister, Fawad Hussain Chaudhary, on Friday said India used Tik Tok vulger videos made at Minar- e- Pakistan with bad intention and the re-inacted videos of Tik Tokers of killing of Noor Maqadam to discredit Pakistan and create an image internationally that it was not a safe country for women to live in.
“Both incidents had nothing to do with politics”, the minister told an event held here on Friday.
Fawad Chaudhary recalled India used 175 videos made by a Tik Toker at only one Indian channel. Those who were involved defaced Pakistan ‘s society and culture for cheap publicity and a few hundred dollars.
A Tik Toker with doubious character had staged a detestful drama of manhandling at Minar e Pakistan to become popular in the social media. In initial videos a girl (Tik Toker) could be seen manhandled by a big crowed of vulger youngesters The incident shocked everyone in the country. The private news channels as usual reported the incident without any investigation and dubbed Tik Toker as a real victim. However, later investigations proved that the entire episode of Minar e Pakistan was a staged show meant by Tik Toker and her gang for cheap money. Similiarly, there are thousands cases wherein Tik Tokers made fake videos to make money, but India used these fake videos to malign Pakistan.
He said India itself is known for gang rapes and its society is rotton with countless henious crimes against women, but it got fake content and videos generated by dubious Tik Tokers to defame Pakistan in recent weeks and months.
Fawad Chaudhary rightly pointed out that its important to differentiate between fake and genuine news. He said in these times the journalists should have better training to reach to the real issues and report them factually.