Daily Newsman
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Mehreen Bhutto calls upon UN to implement resolutions on Kashmir

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People Party Parliamentarian (PPPP) member of national assembly (MNA), Dr Mehreen Bhutto, has strongly condemned Indian brutalities in occupied valley and expressed solidarity with oppressed Kashmiri people on August 5 ‘ Day of Oppression’ observed by the Pakistani and Kashmiri across Pakistan and the world over. Ms Bhutto in her statement urged upon the United Nations (UN) that it should not keep on following its policy of wait and see towards this great controversial issue. Bhutto said today on the day of oppression observed by the entire Pakistani and Kashmiri community across the globe we are as united as one nation to support the just of Kashmiri people. She demanded of the international community that it should also take serious notice of the worsening situation in the occupied Kashmir due to the on-going curfew imposed by Modi government in occupied Kashmir to crush their freedom struggle and play its role to force India to stop killings of innocent Kashmiri people in the occupied valley. Mehreen Bhutto said the world in general and UN in particular was duty bound to implement its resolutions to give the Kashmiri people their right of self- determination to decide their future. Ms Bhutto added that today’s strong protest by Kashmiri and Pakistani people world over was enough to establish that they reject Indian policy of coercion and brutality toward occupied Kashmir to suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiri people.

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